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My name is Tawonga, but everyone calls me Wonga. I love chicken, not more than Jesus, but more than a lot of other things. Also, I am very weird and I used to struggle with that a lot, but now I embrace it. God created me to be silly and fun, and I love making jokes and making people laugh.


Other things I enjoy are dogs, plants, night drives, being cozy, reading, painting, drawing, watching youtube videos, home décor, Pinterest, marvel movies, some anime, the mountains, Greece, fashion, beauty, reading the Bible, and spending time with God.



I believe that being a Christian is a verb.


An action word.

The goal of my ministry and this blog is to spread the gospel & the love of Jesus, through my own story.

Jesus saves & He does it in such a peaceful way, tailored to you.

Your story won’t look like everyone else’s, and that’s okay; because you were created in His image.

You are a beautiful creation; His beautiful creation.


I am called to the broken, to those who felt mocked by society and overlooked.

It is my sincere prayer that through my story of redemption, you will see triumph and know the hope that is only found in Christ Jesus.

I pray that you

will have an encounter with the one, true living God.


Your life matters and YOU matter! 

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